Sonntag, 8. März 2009

Gonna switch to windows vista.

hey, it's IOS249 i want to announce that i'm switching to windows vista. probably you have a question like: WHAT REASON? WINDOWS XP IS ENOUGH!!!!! The reason is from a horrible event. My windows xp laptop got broken by fucking water. I was fucking stupid and was trying to get a new laptop. ALL MY FILES ARE GONE FOREVER. AND ALSO I LOSE MY KEYGEN N CRACK COOLZ! :( But luckily i have all my cool people and friend's emails and contacts noted on a paper. And also my windows xp installation disc got scratched. I asked my friend if he could be buy a new one. He gave me windows vista instead. Well, a new Operation System means cooler. I'm hoping so. Tommorrow i gonna post a video on youtube. stay tuned!

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