Dienstag, 10. März 2009

Well windows vista sucks

Hello it's me IOS249 and today i want to show you that windows vista sux! You probably rememember me when i said that i got windows vista because i got a new laptop. and you saw that i forgot making a video about that. This is because windows vista sucks, REALLY SUX. It is slow, it crashes and also it ended up bricking himself.
Luckily i could erase shit from my HDD and yelled my friend for a windows xp copy. He gave me it finally and i'm gonna installing it right now. MICROSOFT IF YOU SEE THIS THEN PLEASE FUCKING FIX UR SHIT!!!!

Sonntag, 8. März 2009

Gonna switch to windows vista.

hey, it's IOS249 i want to announce that i'm switching to windows vista. probably you have a question like: WHAT REASON? WINDOWS XP IS ENOUGH!!!!! The reason is from a horrible event. My windows xp laptop got broken by fucking water. I was fucking stupid and was trying to get a new laptop. ALL MY FILES ARE GONE FOREVER. AND ALSO I LOSE MY KEYGEN N CRACK COOLZ! :( But luckily i have all my cool people and friend's emails and contacts noted on a paper. And also my windows xp installation disc got scratched. I asked my friend if he could be buy a new one. He gave me windows vista instead. Well, a new Operation System means cooler. I'm hoping so. Tommorrow i gonna post a video on youtube. stay tuned!